Photo of B. Walker
Bruce N. Walker, PhD


Sonification Lab Research and Design Studio (CS 8803 SRD) - ALL SEMESTERS

The Sonification Lab Research and Design Studio is a semester-long, 3-credit course, which aims to bring together small, agile, interdisciplinary teams of students to tackle research and design challenges related to the research going on in the GT Sonification Lab. Teams of two students (with a mix of skills and background) will work on a semester-long project that is part of, or in support of, the research being done in the Sonification Lab. The approach is a sort of "middle ground" between (a) a typical semester-long project course, in which typically teams of four students tackle a major project; and (b) an independent study where one student interacts directly with a professor and does a project alone. class web site >>>

AccessCORPS VIP at Georgia Tech - ALL SEMESTERS

AccessCORPS is a Vertically Integrated Project (VIP Site) at Georgia Tech, focused on making Georgia Tech courses more accessible and inclusive to all students, including those with disabilities. AccessCORPS is led by Prof. Bruce Walker (Psychology and Interactive Computing) and Norah Sinclair (CIDI) and is offered every semester. class overview >>> | AccessCORPS website >>> | VIP site >>>

Research Methods for Human Factors and HCI (PSYC 8807 / 4803) - Usually FALL, but SPRING 2025

An overview of many of the research methods, tools, metrics, and analyses used in the human factors, engineering psychology, human-computer interaction, and design fields. Covers qualitative and quantitative approaches to assessing performance, preference, and affective responses as part of the evidence-based design, development, and deployment of systems and services. Some examples include surveys, focus groups, interviews, usability studies, task analysis, modeling, physiological data collection, eye tracking, benchmark tasks, accessibility audits, web analytics, and more. (Note that in Spring 2025 the grad-level course is listed as: Special Topics Engr Psyc - 34185 - PSYC 8807 - F). class web site >>>

Sensation and Perception - Psych Majors (PSYC 4041/6014) -- SPRING

In PSYC 4041/6014 (Sensation and Perception for undergraduate Psych Majors and for graduate students) we examine how humans (and in some cases, other animals) sense and perceive the world around us. First we consider the philosophical questions that humans have long posed about perception, and study the methods and techniques scientists use to try to answer them. We study the sensory pathways, fundamental perceptual processing, and higher-level meaning-making. We cover the orienting senses, skin senses, chemical senses (smell and taste), audition, vision, and the perception of time. We consider sensation and perception from several perspectives: physiological, psychophysical, ecological, motivational, and computational. This diversity of viewpoints also allows us to look at multi-sensory perceptual processes. The course is largely in lecture format, with as much discussion as possible. Class participation is important to your success in the course. There will be two midterms and a final exam. There is also a laboratory associated with the PSYC 4041 course. class web site >>>


Foundations of Human Computer Interaction and Evidence-Based Design (CS/PSYC 6755, HCI Foundations) -- FALL

This course is one of the core courses in the GT MS-HCI program, and is co-taught with PSYC 6023 Research Methods for HCI. We teach you about the importance of the human-computer interface in the design and development of things people use. With a focus on evidence-based design, we cover ways to learn all about your users, their wants, needs, and tasks. We then cover ways to arrive at a successful design for an effective solution. Finally, we cover ways to evaluate and assess the effectiveness and usability of your system. The course covers material drawn from psychology, computing, engineering, design, art, research methods, and more. The centerpiece of the course is a team project, though there are plenty of individual efforts as well. class web site >>>

Seminar on Assistive Technology (PSYC 8040 / CS 8803) -- Occasionally

We will be reading and discussing how the engineering psychology/human factors/HCI processes apply to the design and evaluation of assistive technology (AT). We will first discuss the definitions, history, laws, and policies related to AT. We will then consider how our well-known processes may need to be adjusted or changed. We will cover the attributes of many impairments, and then discuss many assistive or enabling technolgies that are currently being used. We will have expert visitors who participate in our discussions. There will be a small-group project, in-class discussion, midterm exam, and possibly a paper. There will not be a final exam. class web site >>>

In the past I have taught...

Engineering Psychology (PSYC 2270) -- SPRING

The purpose of this course is to examine the relationship between people and various aspects of the world around them, including the equipment they use, the environments in which they function, and the tasks they perform. What is known about human perceptual, cognitive, and physical abilities (and limitations) will be applied to the analysis of tasks, and the design of places, machines, computer displays, and procedures that best suit the humans involved. class web site >>>

Introduction to Psychology (PSYC 1101) -- SUMMER

This course is intended to provide a broad overview of concepts, theories, and research in the science of psychology. The subject matter spans several levels of analysis. We begin with a consideration how we can ask questions about how the mind words. We then look at the chemical, physiological, and neural substrates of thought and behavior. We then move up a level of analyses to consider how biological systems process information and exhibit intelligent behavior. Because intelligent behavior takes place in the presence of other behaving organisms we also consider social influences on thought and behavior. Running throughout all topics is consideration of how these processes change as a result of development and the causes and results of pathological states. class web site >>>

(Old) Human Computer Interaction (PSYC & CS 6750) -- FALL (Not currently teaching this version of the course. See above)

This course will teach you about the importance of the human-computer interface in the design and development of things people use. We will touch on many of the perceptual, cognitive, and social characteristics of people, as well as methods for learning more about the people you wish to use your systems (analyzing the tasks they perform, the way they perform them, the way they think and feel about what they do, etc.). We will cover methods of design, and ways to evaluate and improve a design. The course will be a balance of perceptual/psychological and computer science elements. You will work on individual and group projects to learn in a hands-on way about the various stages of an effective design process. class web site >>>